The Pequod's Last Chase. 2022. 31 x 30 in., ink, graphite, colored pencil, collaged papers and tape

Donbas Divisions. 2022. 26.5 x 32 in., ink, graphite, colored pencil, crayon and watercolor

Place Apart. 2022. 34 x 46 in., ink, graphite, colored pencil, conté crayon, chalk and watercolor

Studio. 2022. 20.5 x 19.5 in., ink, graphite, colored pencel, charcoal and watercolor, in a private collection

Grey Elegy. 2022. 42 x 36 in., ink, graphite, colored pencil, litho crayon, chalk and watercolor

Back Story. 2022. 28 x 26 in., ink, graphite, chalk, colored pencil and watercolor, in a private collection

Accord. 2022. 20 x 20 in., ink, graphite, chalk, colored pencil and watercolor, in a private collection

Alyosha's Passage. 2022. 18 x 23 in., ink, graphite, chalk, colored pencil and watercolor

Word. 2022. 22 x 24 in., ink, graphite, chalk, colored pencil and watercolor

Torn Page. 2022. 28 x 26 in., ink, graphite, chalk, colored pencil and watercolor